The prestigious MaxMoreSpine Award in the spinal endoscopy

The prestigious award for extraordinary contribution and achievements in the field of spinal endoscopic procedures. Award was received by esteemed members of the faculty headed by the founder of the Interventional Pain Academy Dr. Robert Rapcan, FIPP, MBA, PhD.,. Award is from the global manufacturer of endoscopic technologiesand our esteemed partner company MaxMoreSpine System. The MaxMoreSpine award … Read more

A professional article by members of the Interventional Pain Academy was published by the American medical journal Medicine

A new significant success in the field of publication activities of the Interventional Pain Academy is the professional article “Endoscopic discectomy of the herniated intervertebral disc and changes in the quality-of-life EQ-5D-5L analysis” by EuroPainClinics specialists and cooperating authors, which was published in the current issue of the prestigious journal Medicine. The authors headed by … Read more