The prestigious award for extraordinary contribution and achievements in the field of spinal endoscopic procedures. Award was received by esteemed members of the faculty headed by the founder of the Interventional Pain Academy Dr. Robert Rapcan, FIPP, MBA, PhD.,. Award is from the global manufacturer of endoscopic technologiesand our esteemed partner company MaxMoreSpine System.
The MaxMoreSpine award is another important milestone in the history of interventional pain treatment centers. In the provision of specialized health care, they achieve significant success in the field of mini-invasive and endoscopic procedures. This also including an extraordinary range of implementations. The award received on behalf of EuroPainClinics by MUDr. Róbert Rapčan, FIPP, MBA, PhD., and MUDr. Michal Matias, FIPP, was awarded by MaxMoreSpine CEO Jaap Hoogland.
The award then especially belongs to MUDr. Róbert Rapčan, expert medical guarantor and founder of the interventional algesiology subspecialization in Slovakia. Mainly for his excellent many years of work achievements and engagement in the field of pain medicine. And also for thousands of performed endoscopic procedures and rich publication, lecture and teaching activities. The company MaxMoreSpine MUDr. Rapčana ranks among the ten most experienced medical personalities specializing in the field of transforaminal endoscopic discectomy.
We congratulate to Dr. Rapcan and his medical team on the award and wish them many more professional successes.